The galaxy is in danger! Fingal Shark of the StarAway team is on his way to stop the evil Doctor Llama - er, that is if he can get off the ground first.

Make your way to the end of the level in this 3D auto runner. Your height from the ground is governed by your remaining energy - and it’s constantly being drained! Hit boost pads for extra speed and energy. Speeding up or slowing down will consume more energy than your default speed. You can use this to make an intentional drops onto nearby boost pads that you would otherwise pass over.

How To Play

  • Move left and right with A and D or with arrow keys.
  • Speed up with W/Z/Arrow up, slow down with S/X/Arrow down. You will drop faster when doing this. You can also use the left and right mouse buttons.
  • Make it to the end!
  • The game will get faster and consume your energy quicker as you progress.


This game was made for Ludum Dare 39. The theme was "Running out of Power." The game was made during the 72 hour jam.


StarAway 18 MB
StarAway 23 MB
StarAway 24 MB

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